Embracing Diversity: Dashe Beauty’s Celebration of All Shapes and Sizes

Embracing Diversity: Dashe Beauty’s Celebration of All Shapes and Sizes - Dashe Beauty

Every human is visually different than one another and that is nature, whatever the beauty trends may be. We all have different body types and your body type is based on how the muscles and fat overlay the skeletal structure within your body. It gives you a certain characteristic shape. We at Dashe Beauty believe in beauty beyond size and celebrate beauty in everybody’s shapes and sizes.

Embracing Diversity: Dashe Beauty’s Body Positivity Journey

There are certain unrealistic expectations in our society for how an “ideal” body should look, and this perception comes from the media and beauty influencers. These standards are often based on unrealistic images of women and have already resulted in low self-esteem and unhealthy behaviors.

We started addressing these negative effects and promoting self-love movement to improve self-esteem, anxiety, and depression, and reduce mental health distress of women everywhere. While beauty standards are unlikely to disappear soon, finding a supportive beauty community can help promote positive body image and heal from harmful beauty standards.

Beauty Beyond Size: Dashe Beauty’s Commitment to Inclusivity

Your body type affects your weight and the way you carry yourself, for heavier people, it’s not easy to be flexible, using natural essential oils and some mild workouts may quickly transform that! You’ll always face body image struggles unless you truly learn acceptance. In a society where beauty and health are misperceived, we emphasize the need to recognize that everyone has body image struggles and not be hard on ourselves about it.

Celebrating All Shapes and Sizes: Dashe Beauty’s Body Positivity Initiative

We’ve heard a million stories of people who have been shamed and bullied into succumbing to societal pressure for looking this way or that way. 

At Dashe Beauty, we believe beauty is beyond each shape and every size. Thus, our newest initiative includes promoting body positivity and empowering all people to be confident and beautiful in one’s skin.

The Dashe Beauty Body Positivity Initiative does the same by encouraging everyone to love their uniqueness and fight back against society. Whether you are rocking that bikini, flowing maxi dress, or those shorter-than-short shorts, we want you to feel fabulous and empowered.

Self-Love in Beauty: Dashe Beauty’s Empowering Message

Self-love is about recognizing your true worth and treating yourself with kindness and respect. Learn to treat your skin well, and maintain a healthy life because It’s about embracing every part of oneself, including imperfections. While some of us might think that self-love is a narcissistic and self-centered pursuit, that couldn’t be further from the truth. 

Researchers Eric Fields and Gina R. Cooperberg from the Department of Psychology at Tufts University explain that positively biased self-views are a key component of healthy psychological functioning, influencing self-esteem, motivation, and determination. Today’s beauty influencers and the fashion industry display a negative image of women and it should not be held as standard.

Inclusivity in Action: Dashe Beauty’s Body Positive Movement

We must find inclusivity in beauty because if we don’t give ourselves grace for being human or flawed, we stunt our own growth and withhold love from ourselves.  

Compassion researcher Dr. Kristen Neff asks, “What type of language do you use with yourself when you notice a flaw or a mistake made? Do you insult yourself, or do you take a more kind and understanding tone?” If you are highly self-critical, how does that make you feel inside? Paying attention to how you internally talk to yourself is the most important step in learning how to cultivate self-love.


The journey to true self-compassion and love is long, but it is essential to focus on the versions of yourself you will meet and the experiences you will have. By choosing just one or two of these self-love actions to work on, you can begin to accept and love yourself more.

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