Efficient Skincare Routines for the Busy Professional

Efficient Skincare Routines for the Busy Professional - Dashe Beauty

Are you constantly running around, juggling 100 different tasks throughout the day, feeling like you never have enough time to focus on yourself? This article is definitely for you. It is made around some general skincare tips quickly so you can get back to your busy lifestyle. Many people want to be active in their skincare but feel like their life is just overwhelmingly busy. Whether you’re a mom, businessperson, entrepreneur, or just a student, here are some hacks from Dashe Beauty to make sure you can keep your skin looking great amidst your busy life.

Streamline Your Skincare: A Busy Professional’s Guide

If you have a busy lifestyle, you are probably screeching out of bed at the split second of your alarm clock, running around, and racing out the door because you gotta save as much time as you possibly can. This way, we always neglect the hardest part of sticking to a skincare routine, and that’s always the first step, Cleansing.

Having a Cleanser Ready to go

Most busy professional women shower in a hurry and get ready before realizing that they’ve forgotten to cleanse their faces. Having your cleanser always in the shower, ready for you is the best tip we constantly suggest. Make sure your face cleanser is always prepped and ready to go in the shower because it’s an easy 30-second add-on to your routine that you can just quickly do in the shower. 

Busy Professional? No Problem: Mastering Skincare Routines

One of the hardest parts of maintaining a skincare routine when you are busy is the morning and nighttime routines.  For those, you do not need to have a lengthy skincare routine. In the morning, you’ve already cleansed your face in the shower, right? Keep it super simple. 

Start with a moisturizer. Skincare is all about consistency, not the number of products you use. You might want to finish with a touch of C serum and that’s it. Can they be super helpful for your skin? Absolutely. But if you struggle to maintain a consistent skincare routine because you are so busy, the last thing you want to do is overload yourself with a lengthy skincare routine that you’re not going to do every day. 

It’s much better to get in the habit of using three or four products every single day versus a ten-step skincare routine with gua sha and face rollers that you only do twice a week. So, keep it simple and consistent.

Follow with a Sunscreen

Super simple: start with a moisturizer, then follow with sunscreen. If you get oily throughout the day or prefer a matte look, of course, you can choose your favorite sunscreen based on its consistency and appearance. For the morning, that’s really all you need: a good moisturizer and sunscreen. Boom, done in three minutes.

Nighttime Skincare Simplified: A Busy Professional’s Ultimate Guide

It doesn’t always have to be a daytime serum, nighttime treatments are ideal if you’re pressed for time and need the barest minimal to maintain your skin’s health and go out the door, like a busy parent. Retinol and exfoliants are the two main product categories that we suggest. 


First, retinol. If you’re a busy person, you’re probably not getting much sleep and experiencing a lot of stress—perfect conditions for aging skin. Retinol is a must. If you’re new to retinol, we recommend a Some By Me Trial Kit. It’s a super gentle formula that gives results, great for first-time retinol users or anyone with sensitive skin. Retinol keeps premature aging at bay, so use it two to three times a week.


Then, on other nights, use an exfoliant. Retinol helps you get brand-new baby skin cells, but you need to get rid of the dead ones. That’s where an exfoliant comes in. You might want to try the DM. Cell – AHA Exfola Glycolic Cleanser, which has glycolic acid to bulldoze through dead skin cells and keep you looking glowy and fresh.

Effortless Radiance: Skincare Tips for Busy Professionals

So, you’re on the go and in the middle of your busy lifestyle. How do you maintain your beautiful skin? There are a few types of products I recommend bringing with you wherever you go. This may seem excessive, but having a purse containing some light skincare products that you can easily put into your car’s center console or travel bag goes a long way.

Now for what to do in the event that you must go outside. We suggest using a Stick sunscreen to reapply throughout the day if you’re always on the go and need to venture outside with a coffee in hand. You may avoid getting messy and using your hands by doing it this way.

  • Oil Absorbing Sheets: These are necessary if you tend to walk fast, work outside, or are in a humid environment. They won’t prevent your skin from producing more oil, but they’re perfect for touching up greasiness or sweat. 
  • Lip Balm: If you’re someone with perpetually dry lips, we always recommend having a lip balm on you 24/7. Investing in a quality lip balm ensures you’re never caught with dry lips.


We prefer to think of skincare as a pyramid. At the heart of skincare are the basics, which everyone should be performing regardless of age, skincare objectives, or what they’re attempting to accomplish. Skincare is about consistency and finding what works best for you. Stick to the fundamentals and supplement your program with specific treatments and self-care products as required.

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