Deep Hydration for Lustrous Hair: Best Practices and Products

Today, we’re going to go over a hair routine that will fix even the driest hair and it’s very straightforward. First, you must understand that there’s no such thing as permanently dry hair. It’s so easy to fix that it’s hardly worth labeling. By the end of this article with Deep Conditioning Treatments, asking “What’s the best shampoo for dry hair?” will sound just as odd as asking, “What’s the best food for a hungry person?”

Hair Hydration Intensified: Dashe Beauty’s Deep Conditioning Solutions

So many people struggle with unhealthy hair, and we don’t want you to be one of them. Going outside, being exposed to the environment, dyeing your hair, styling your hair, only using shampoo and conditioner, and not using the right products—all of these contribute to dryness. In other words, almost everything can dry out your hair.

To actually build you a hair routine with specific products that provide both moisture and moisture retention, we’re going to start by prioritizing moisture retention. If your hair can’t hold on to water, it doesn’t matter how much you put in—it’s like a leaky bucket, and the moisture will just escape.

Damage creates holes in the outside of your hair that allow moisture to escape. We need to figure out if your hair is damaged because if that’s the case, it has to be addressed first.

Signs of Hair Damage

So, how do you know if you have damage? Breakage is one of the easiest signs to look for. If some of your hair is much shorter than the rest, it has likely broken off, which indicates breakage. Another sign of damage is when your ends start to split right after you get a trim—like within a week or two. This suggests that the hair was unhealthy in the first place, so it splits quickly.

If your hair looks dull and has lost its vibrant, shiny appearance, that’s another sign of damage. Use Dry Shampoo as needed, If you’re noticing these issues, your hair is probably damaged, and we need to do something to repair it so your hair can retain moisture. These problems are super common, especially if you’ve gone blonde, as bleaching causes a lot of damage. So, if you’re seeing these signs, your hair is likely damaged, and we need to fix it for it to retain moisture.

Repair and Nourish: Dashe Beauty’s Best Product for Damaged Hair

Your hair is actually very similar to your skin. I like to use this comparison because everyone knows that there are different skin types and that you need to help your skin stay moisturized. Hair works the exact same way.

The best product for this is the Color WOW Big Party Hair Kit. You’ll find essentially everything you need to use for your hair, use the Bombshell Volumizer once a week for 10 minutes. Essentially, this will repair the holes in your hair that are allowing moisture to leak out. It helps rebuild the bonds that originally held the structure of your hair together.

Deep Dive into Hydration: Dashe Beauty’s Hair Moisturizing Treatments

Hair oil is great for sealing ends because oil does not mix with water. So when you put this on your ends, the water cannot pass through and escape. This is so strong; we’re only going to use a little bit. It’s only going to be on our end. If you have a little bit left over, you can use it on your mids, but really only your ends—don’t overdo it. 

Moisture comes from using conditioner or a hair mask. Forget all those other scammy products that you leave in overnight or whatever—don’t worry about those. Use a Conditioner for your hair and a hair mask. After those products put moisture inside your hair, your job is to lock 100% of the moisture in your hair so it doesn’t leak out. The absolute best way to do that is with a leave-in conditioner and hair oil. Don’t go for any unstable or unfamiliar products that don’t work nearly as well as these two. 


Healthy hair routines are actually really easy; it’s the styling that’s the hard part. So with this, you should never have dry hair again. Just stick to the plan—it’s really only two products. We have to be very careful about hair oil because it’s strong and if you put too much in, your hair will feel oily and gross, the main goal here is to lock the moisture with oil or a lubricant-based conditioner and that’s enough hair care.

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